Meet Locator Studio – the new tool for simple 3D picking applications

October 26, 2022

Do you need to pick objects from collision-free surroundings such as trays, conveyor belts, or racks? Or you need to localize parts for precise placement, screwing, or assembly?

You can do this all now at an exceptionally fast speed with our new tool Locator Studio.

Locator Studio is a complete set for simple 3D picking applications that comprises a Photoneo 3D sensor, software, and a vision controller.

Thanks to its simplicity, the tool provides faster picking speed than advanced bin picking systems, easy calibration and configuration, and fast integration with any robot system.

The key benefits include:

1. Simple & fast 3D picking in collision-free environments

Locator Studio is a great tool for fast picking of oriented and semi-oriented parts in collision-free environments. The robot can approach objects without the need for advanced path planning with collision avoidance.

2. Fast scanning speed & superior quality of 3D point clouds

Locator Studio is compatible with PhoXi 3D Scanners as well as MotionCam-3D. You will thus get exceptional resolution, submillimeter accuracy, and a scanning range from 161 up to 3780 mm.

3. Easy calibration and configuration via the web interface

Locator Studio supports multiple vision systems, which can be fixed mounted above the scene or attached to the robotic arm. Object localization is based on the same principles as conventional technologies so it does not require any special knowledge or new programming language skills.

4. Robust CAD-based object localization

The localization of multiple objects and their pose estimation in X, Y, and Z (6-DOF pose) happens in a single scan while the robot picks the previous round of parts. You can even switch between solutions to search for different parts.

5. Fast integration with an arbitrary robot system

The tool supports all major robotic brands and industrial manipulators thanks to an open and thoroughly documented TCP/IP protocol. The TCP/IP interface enables communication via any middleman, including an arbitrary robotic controller, PC with custom setups, or PLC. 

Get more information in our Product Guide

You can also join our 3D Scanning Product Training to dig deeper into the features of Locator Studio and where you can use them.

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