Partner: Era Systems Challenge: The customer, an automotive manufacturer, needed an automation solution for…
Partner: Robomation Robot Technologies Inc. Challenge: Robomation designs and manufactures customized robotic systems, including…
Partners: Irish Manufacturing Research (IMR), Airbus, TEG, Robotnik, Northern Ireland Technology Centre, Queens University Belfast, Hexagon,…
Partner: Kuźnia Polska Challenge: Robotization is one of the key areas of investment in…
Partner: PT. REKAYASA CIPTA OTOMASI KOMPONEN INDONESIA Challenge: The customer needed an automated solution…
Challenge: This virtual case study aims to present a solution for applications that require 3D…
Partner: KUKA Challenge: The customer Favi – a manufacturer and supplier of technical parts…
Partner: ECCO Sko Challenge: ECCO Sko, a premium manufacturer of footwear and leather accessories,…
Partner: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava…
Partner: University of Alberta, ADAMS Lab (Additive Design and Manufacturing Systems Laboratory) Challenge: High-value…
Partner: VÚEZ, a.s. Levice Challenge: Welding is one of the most common manufacturing processes….
2D vs 3D: Which is right for your application?